Discover How DataSPRK Helps Different Industries
The most expensive data: Money!
Let's be clear, there are various of data types available. But among them, financial data is the most expensive and hard to get data type. When was the last time your friend disclosed its annual salary?
Thanks to our Personal Budget Management data partners, we anonymously collect hashed purchasing power data fully complied with GDPR. This helps advertiser to pinpoint the right income levels.
Discover How DataSPRK Helps Different Industries
The most expensive data: Money!
Let's be clear, there are various of data types available. But among them, financial data is the most expensive and hard to get data type. When was the last time your friend disclosed its annual salary?
Thanks to our Personal Budget Management data partners, we anonymously collect hashed purchasing power data fully complied with GDPR. This helps advertiser to pinpoint the right income levels.
It is possible to target all kind of income levels even it changes dynamically during the month or year.
Cash Status is the most powerful indicator of a consumer that shows the potential of spending or saving levels. Data related to Cash Status are collected and encrypted sensitively.
Most apps include in-app purchase option which gives small hints about the type of spendings that we made through mobile apps.
Regardless of the purchasing power, another crucial indicator is the habits that consumers carry during their spending experience.